
 Leaders of the Reform Movement in the last century believed that children at age 13 were not true adults, capable of understand and appreciating the responsibilities of being adult Jews, nor of taking one the obligations of Jewish life. Thus, the Reform Movement initiated a Confirmation service for teenagers (usually at age 15 or 16). It is a group ceremony and marks the transition of a class (representative of a generation or community) to adulthood. The ceremony takes place on Shavuot, the festival that commemorates the Giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai. The confirmands symbolize the People Israel, who stood at Mount Sinai and accepted God's Torah; so, too, do the confirmands take upon themselves the obligations of Torah, forming the latest link in the Jewish communal chain of tradition. Many Conservative and Reconstructionist congregations hold confirmation ceremonies these days, as well, having found that it fills a need for teenagers who are moving out of the realm of childhood and into adulthood, physically, socially, and emotionally. In some congregations, Confirmation marks a "graduation" from religious school. In all settings, emphasis is placed on the aspect of community marked by a cohort of peers undergoing the same experience together at the same time.

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