
This website is devoted to learning about Judaism and Jewish traditions, values, and beliefs. You are welcome to peruse the website, using the buttons at the left to navigate. For questions or feedback, e-mail me.

Please also visit the Talmud Blog I publish with my chevruta Rabbi Louis Rieser.

You're also welcome to visit my Taste of Torah Blog for a brief d'var Torah on the sedra of the week.

Visiting Scholar

I am available to visit your congregation for a shabbat or weekend as a speaker and teacher. I generally focus on Jewish texts (primarily Talmud) that respond to universal questions and offer uniquely Jewish insights and wisdom. For more information, please click here to download a pdf containing a description of what I do, proposed topics, a bio, and contact information.

For more information click here.

Website design by Jonah Scheinerman.


Looking for a haggadah for your family or community seder?
Click here for a haggadah you are welcome to copy and use.