JGraph: Graph Editing Tool
JGraph is a Java application which models graphs. JGraph allows one to manipulate vertices in a graph and create many different graphs which can be output into a simple format. JGraph is compatable with Matgraph, a graph theory toolbox for MATLAB.
JGraph features basic editing and manipulation tools for combinatorial graphs. It has advanced features such as view edge weights and generating minimum spanning trees. In addition, graphs can be created from templates. For example, to create a complete bipartite graph, simply choose the template, enter the two values, and JGraph will generate the graph for you!
JGraph has an online repository of templates. The templates take one of two forms. Templates can be either basic .sgf files (simple graph format, the format in which JGraph saves files) or they can be python scripts which generate sgf files given specific arguments. The library of online templates can be found here. If you would like to contribute to the database you have a couple choices. You can:
- Email me a raw sgf file, which I will add to the database.
- Read about how to create your own python script that works with JGraph, create one, and email it to me.
Installation Requirements (Any system):
- Java 1.5 JDK or higher
- Python 2.0 or higher
Download JGraph: For Mac OS X